Will J Godfrey WROTE:
But then again, I think that whatever method (or lack
of) gives the
results you
want has to be the right one. The final arbiter is of course what the
thinks of it.
I agree, but some might read my name and that's their reason to make
mountains out of molehills.
Btw. not seldom "educated" musicians do lament about "uneducated"
listeners. They can't understand that "uneducated" listeners often
prefer music of "uneducated" musicians
http://www.mtv.com/ , than to the
"better" music of "educated" musicians.
I tried to explain that emotions are important.
Originally music is folk music. People needed to till a field and in the
spare time they e.g. made music without knowing the theory. Since
somebody mentioned "uneducated" computer users, it's similar. Similar
because technicians are needed to build computers and software, but a
user still needs to till a field and in the spare time a user might open
an exe without being educated about computers.
Perhaps you and me are pretentious too. I can't understand that
listeners prefer loudness war engineering, but "averaged" people as well
as most "educated" and most "uneducated" musicians do.
- Ralf
However, some musicians only make music for them self, they don't
compose for any other listener, so a listener not always is important.
And a "theory" is nothing more but a "theory", using it can be a
limitation, that's why many "educated" musicians who know theory, don't
use it, but instead they feel what key or fret to push the same way as
"uneducated" musicians do.