Yep, my mistake. I included all the files that should go in clam-networkeditor-
examples also in clam-networkeditor. I rebuild some new packages. Should be
'1.4.0-3'. Warn me if there is some other problem.
A Divendres 14 Agost 2009 13:23:30, David García Garzón va escriure:
It is more sophisticated and sure not as precise as
getting midi but CLAM's
chordata may be helpfull. It takes the chord from audio. It works with mp3
files but CLAM NetworkEditor has an example (tonalanalysis) that does the
same with realtime audio input.
BTW, any one willing to sponsor the debian packages?
A Dissabte, 25 de juliol de 2009 21:18:07, Ken Restivo va escriure:
> Are there any Linux apps like this which will take MIDI in via ALSA MIDI
> and/or JACK MIDI?
> That would be sweet. Play a chord; get its name.
> Alternately, if no such thing exists, is there any way to get ALSA MIDI
> into Javascript to use as input into this app?
> -ken
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David García Garzón
(Work) david dot garcia at upf anotherdot edu