So I tried
miniG4:~$ aplay --device=plughw:1,0
Playing raw data
'flac/ripit/B/Beatles/Let_It_Be..._Naked/10_Across_The_Universe.flac' : Unsigned 8
bit, Rate 8000 Hz, Mono
^CAborted by signal Interrupt...
and got static. Which is a huge improvement! At least I'm getting sound, now.
Clemens, I appreciate all your interest and support.
As I stated originally, the man at the local stereo shop duplicated my environment, albeit
on slightly different hardware (macbook G4 vs mini G4). His is working. What differences
should I be looking at?
On Aug 10, 2013, at 1:28 AM, Clemens Ladisch wrote:
Roger Weinheimer wrote:
These are the specs from the DAC packaging, fwiw.
Does this help to address format/capabilities questions?
It does not really matter what particular format is attempted to be used
by the player, and what particular format is actually supported by the
device. Just replace "hw" with "plughw", and the format will be
automatically converted, if necessary.