On 05/22/2010 08:20 PM, Philipp Überbacher wrote:
Excerpts from alexander's message of 2010-05-22
16:54:27 +0200:
Gigedit is quite good as long as you're
careful when using the "apply to
all regions" and "apply to dimension splits" check boxes. It's
not fast when adding samples and regions and dimension as there is no
copy/paste. I originally was gonna use giga too but at one point the
editor started to behave really odd. There was some unexplainable issue
with regions only "seeing" one release velocity layer. Also, I now have
two separate release samples, harmonic string resonance and the hammer
action. The harmonic releases also comes in 3 different layers, 2
veolocity layers that have a high rt_decay value ("The volume decay
amount when the region is set to play in *release* trigger mode, in
decibels per second since note-on message.") and one that has a low
rt_decay value, this is not doable with giga. As far as I know you can't
even have 2 separate release samples so you would have to mix the hammer
noise and harmonic releases samples down into one sample.
For making sfz files there is also a ruby script called "sfzer" I have
not tried this tho and I expect you can't make very advanced instruments
with it.
We should put some pressure on the linuxsampler folks to do a new
release ;) with on_locc# and on_hicc# opcodes implemented. (those would
give pedal noise)
I played with it a bit and seems to have issues, especially with the
sustain pedal. I thought it was a bug that the sustain was either on or
off, with nothing in between, my keyboard sending an in between value
added to the confusion and I even reported a bug:
Anyway, it seems that MIDI only knows on or off for sustain, so it's not
actually a bug, but releasing a sustain feels very unnatural since it
releases immediately. I found that changing the release time helps a
bit: ampeg_release=0.360 to something like ampeg_release=1
Yes, midi sustain is either on or off, where anything from 63 and below
is OFF and 64 and above is ON. So velocity sensitive pedals should exist
(I haven't looked into it). eg sustain message 120 would be a loud ON
and 35 would be a moderate OFF.
I know that releasing the sustain sounds quit dry and unnatural and that
is a common problem with midi. The problem is the note-off message(which
actually is a note-on message with value 0, at least on my m-audio
keyrig) is sent even if the sustain is on (>64) and the sample player
simply ignores it. The optimal solution would be to have the sample
player both remembering and releasing the note-off message at the same
time. Then you could have the hammer noise releases play even if sustain
is on and playing the harmonic string resonance samples when the sustain
is released(off).
The other thing is that removing your whole pedal
section doesn't really
hurt. There seem to be some bugs in that section:
<group> hikey=-1 lokey=-1 on_locc64=64 on_hicc64=127 off_by=2
hikey and lokey take values from 0 to 127 according to:
Yes, this is a bit odd but I found another resource that said you have
to disable note-on messages by giving hi/lokey a -1 value. Else
on_hi/locc# wont work. I sort of confirmed it by loading the free sfz
player in dssi-vst and trying it there, I couldn't properly test it tho
as it kept crashing when I loaded the whole instrument.
Someone who works with sfz told me that LS currently
has a bug and
needs offby instead of off_by.
<group> hikey=0 lokey=0 on_locc64=0 on_hicc64=63 group=2 volume=-30
This line refers to group=2 which doesn't exist.
The group=2 opcode is connected to off_by=2. What it does is that when a
region that has the group=2 plays, it stops all regions that has
off_by=2. As for now one could comment out the pedal action section as
the on_lo(hi)cc# opcodes aren't implemented in LS yet.
These are just some things that were noticed, I
didn't even try to
understand sfz and didn't check the whole file. I'm very happy that the
Salamander exists and will certainly use it, so thanks :)
I'm happy you like it!