So I'm travelling with a laptop with fairly limited space and thought I would save
some space by converting my flacs to 320kbs mp3 (please don't bother with the
"why mp3 and not ogg" comments here) to save at least a little space, and again
try and get my head around a little Bashing.
So I search online and find this for Bash:
if [ -d "${1}" ] ; then
cd "${1}" && for f in *.flac; do ffmpeg -i "$f" -f wav - |
lame -b 320 -h - "${f%.flac}.mp3"; done
Which I've saved and from the same article use this command to activate when in the
desired folder:
find ./ -type d -exec ~/bin/flac2mp3 "{}" \;
Can't claim to fully understand it (hence been generally playing around in a copied
test folder.) So find is passing all directories, via the type argument, onto my bash
script (find is not actually being used for any searching, just to recursively send all
folders, right?) I don't understand the bit after the exec call, assume that's
something to do with keeping the filenames?? I need to readup on Bash again!
But it doesn't quite live up to my needs. This method is case sensitive so wont find
.Flac or .FLAC files, of which I'm sure I have a few. Find can do this happily with
-iname though! But this brings me to something weird I've just encountered with
*@*:/media/Data/Music/Laptop DJ Tracks/DJ Audio/Dancefloor$ find -iname *wey*
./flac/test/weyheyhey !! - Little Batty Foo Foo (ft. TechDiff's Modest Loft Conversion
./flac/weyheyhey !! - Little Batty Foo Foo (ft. TechDiff's Modest Loft Conversion
./flac/weyheyhey !! - Little Batty Foo Foo (ft. TechDiff's Modest Loft Conversion
./flac/weyheyhey !! - Wearing A Shirt That Says 'Microphyst'.flac
./flac/weyheyhey !! - Wearing A Shirt That Says 'Microphyst'.mp3
./flac/[225] Weyheyhey !! - I'm Your Daddy.flac
./flac/[225] Weyheyhey !! - I'm Your Daddy.mp3
*@*:/media/Data/Music/Laptop DJ Tracks/DJ Audio/Dancefloor$ cd flac/
*@*:/media/Data/Music/Laptop DJ Tracks/DJ Audio/Dancefloor/flac$ find -iname *wey*
find: paths must precede expression: weyheyhey !! - Little Batty Foo Foo (ft.
TechDiff's Modest Loft Conversion remix).mp3
Usage: find [-H] [-L] [-P] [-Olevel] [-D help|tree|search|stat|rates|opt|exec] [path...]
I hope you can see what I think is weird there. if I do the same for *wan* I get correct
results in both folders. Noticed this as trying to find *.flac wouldn't work within
the folder I had moved these too for testing and wondered if it was because the search was
the same name as the root folder but it's clearly not. Any idea what's going wrong
here? I had hoped to use find ./ -iname *.flac -exec ~/bin/flac2mp3 "{}" \; to
activate my above script but find not reliably searching has temporarily scuppered this
Once I am happy with this obviously it will be time to delete the original flacs. Should I
use "find ./ -type f -iname *.flac -delete" or is there a reason most guides
seem to suggest using -exec rm as argument?
And while I'm here... As you can probably see the collection here is for trying to get
a laptop DJ set together, for which I plan to use Mixxx. Firstly, does Mixxx support the
Replay Gain Tag in mp3s (I think that's the right name.) If so it would obviously make
sense to set all tracks to a similar RMS. What would be the best software with which to do
this? First I would want to find the loudest section (of say 2-5 seconds long, not the
whole song and not too short to catch something like brief feedback as being the
calibration level) and then take the RMS value of that section and set the Replay Gain so
that all of these match a reasonable value.
Regards, Dale.