On Tue, Feb 3, 2015 at 5:19 PM, Harry van Haaren
<harryhaaren(a)gmail.com <mailto:harryhaaren@gmail.com>> wrote:
On Tue, Feb 3, 2015 at 10:01 PM, Chris Cannam
<mailto:cannam@all-day-breakfast.com>> wrote:
something changed. But what?
In my opinion:
A statement like "Linux audio is full of pitfalls" has no constructive
element in it. It diminishes the subject, and does so in a generalized
and sweeping manner. This type of comment is not going to motivate
improvement: it has only a negatively impacts the community.
stuff like "linux dithering is a PITA" is just utterly ignorant
assholery, unjustifiable, indefensible, ungrounded, meaningless,
those of you who choose not to ignore his posts --- what have you
EVER gotten from reading them?
Between all the lines Ralf wrote, I found enough stuff to make me laugh.
Therefore it's worse for me to read them all, even the bitter ones.