On Sun, 2010-12-05 at 20:47 -0600, Josh Lawrence
hey everybody!
I'm very happy to report that I have linuxsampler running on my laptop
now, and I can't wait to try it out. as was mentioned in leigh's post
about drums, I've downloaded analogue drums and the salamander grand
piano, but I really would like a rhodes patch. can anyone point me to
a good rhodes that would work well in linuxsampler?
(I'm familiar with the learjeff rhodes out there on the 'net; I wonder
if it would load up ok? can't hurt to try...)
In theory, LinuxSampler CVS should load the jRhodes3 soundfont, but I
had trouble doing so here -- LinuxSampler crashed when I tried. It might
just be a problem with the build of LinuxSampler I have here, but I get
the impression that the SF2 backend for LinuxSampler isn't as mature as
the GIG and SFZ backends.
However, this tool (it's a free-as-in-beer, closed-source, Windows app,
but it worked just fine under Wine for me) can convert SF2 to SFZ:
I gave it a shot on the jRhodes3 SF2 file, and the resulting SFZ works
well in my LinuxSampler CVS build. If anyone wants a copy of this, email
me off-list and I'll send you a link. If there's enough interest, I'll
email the author and see if he's happy for me to release it publicly.
Interesting, but (I'm not being sarcastic here) what's the point? Why
not use fluidsynth to play soundfonts, seeing as that is what it was
designed for??