On Tue, Apr 10, 2012 at 01:17:07PM +0200, Julien Claassen wrote:
Hello everyone!
It's not bad, when mplayer shows an mp3 to be longer than it is, I
ev3en had a few, that looked a little shorter and were allright. But
here I have a bunch of mp3s, that mplayer shows to be exactly half
as long as they are and after that time it quits playing. I finally
decoded them with mpg321 and that worked, but it's a bloody nuisance
doing it. I thought they really were broken upto yesterday evening,
when my brother played one of them on his windows machine.
Does anyone have an idea, what this might be? I mean, as far as I
know, there is some mpg123 or mpg321 code in mplayer, at least
occasionally, when there are glitches, I see something saying mpg123
or similar before the actual error message or info.
The problem is mainly with VBR
encoded MP3s and has been lurking for
some time, at least in the mplayer version in Squeeze. The problem yyou
report with MP3s playing only halfway is new to me, however. What does
"mp3info -x" report?