ok lars, you wrote me really helpfull things, thats all right now.
thanks again,
Lars Luthman wrote:
On Tue, 2006-06-27 at 17:50 +0200, Dragan Noveski
ok, that works good, thanks for the help.
the only thing is, that if i choose to get lashd started automatically,
while running glashctl, lashd will not be stopped, when stopping
glashctl, so perhaps it is better controled to start lashd from the console?
It does here (if you select "Quit" in glashctl and answer "Yes" to
question "Do you want to shut down the session handler?"). If that
doesn't work, you should still be able to stop lashd from the popup menu
in glashctl. And if you don't, there's no harm in leaving it running
either. It doesn't really eat any resources.
an other thing i just found out, always when i
start lashd, it is
getting started twice (according to "ps ax").
does anyone else knows this behaviour?
It's not started twice, it can't be (because it always tries to bind to
the same port which will be taken by the first lashd). What you are
seeing is probably several threads or maybe several forked subprocesses
in your running lashd. If you run 'ps -AH' you should see that one of
the lashds is a child process of the other.