On Thu, Apr 28, 2011 at 08:23:42AM +1000, cal wrote:
the RDF libs. Last year I went through the tedious exercise of converting yoshimi to use
turtle format
fot it's data storage (via raptor) instead of xml. State of health plus the sheer
scope of the testing
exercise led me to put all of that on the "Not now!" shelf. Some of that work
looks like being
recyclable when it comes to putting OSC control into yoshimi.
That's all I can think of for now.
cheers, Cal
Hi Cal,
I was wondering how easy (or difficult) it would be to implement OSC support, based
on an RDF mapping. It's just a hypothetical question, but I was thinking if
an RDF mapping could be made that could be used both by the application developer
(to automatically generate an OSC-to-function mapping) and the OSC interface designer,
which could use the RDF to generate an interface based on those mappings.
Could such an RDF be a win-win for both?
Just a thought,