I am trying to make music on Linux for two weeks now.
I am using LMMS
I am also reading alot and but I can t find an answer to some questions.
1) If I want to make some music like Jean Michel Jarre did,
Can i do this in LMMS or do I need aditional soft synths and or more
plugins ?
LMMS seems to be very techno orientated ?
Something about time.
Can LMMS play music like some Jazz, whih in time is 4/6 ? or 2/3 ?
I think I can do everything as long as its even, but I wonder if I can
play 2/3 and things like 7/8 and so on with a sequenser ? (not that I am
any close to play this kind of complicated music yet)
2) This question comes from some playing around, and listening to Jarre.
Qxygene 4 there is a sound which does not come at regular intervals.
(not regular as in 4/4)
I found out how to use the piano roll for beats too, but I can;t figure
out how to get oneven timing.
3) Can I use vst plugins without wine ?
Greeting Guus