On Mon, 2013-10-28 at 22:23 +0100, Felix Homann wrote:
Am 28.10.2013 21:08 schrieb "Will Godfrey"
I remember something my father said when I was very small. "If you
enjoy something, never do it as a job". He
was right.
No, he wasn't. Because if you *really* enjoy something and can make a
living out of it it won't necessarily feel like a job.
Words are words, but there is the emotion.
Chico, Harpo, Groucho and Zeppo.
Chico, Harpo, Groucho is what we like to be, nobody want's to be Zeppo.
It's possible to become an astronaut or crane driver if you like it, but
it might have less to do with your emotions to become an astronaut or
crane driver, only if you have very good luck it does fit to your
emotions. Yes, a view people have good luck.