On Sat, Aug 11, 2007 at 10:05:38AM -0400, Chris McCormick wrote:
On Sat, Aug 11, 2007 at 10:29:35AM -0400, Dave
Phillips wrote:
Chris McCormick wrote:
I wonder if I am mistaken and this is an internal
thing and Modplug
doesn't actually do
midi output. I guess I will have to track down a windows machine to test
that out.
Don't bother. ModPlug doesn't do MIDI Out.
After trawling through forum posts it seems that people accomplish this
with a VST2MIDI plugin in ModPlug. I'll give that a shot.
Just for future reference, this works really well, but uses a non-Free
gratis plugin - Google "VST2MID midibag" to find it. The midi note arrives
about 100ms in Pure Data before the note is actually played by ModPlug,
so there is some room to work with. You can use a [del 100] object to
synchronise your Pd sounds with ModPlug perfectly.
The great thing about this is that it's possible to write algorithmic
and generative instruments in Pd and synchronise them with your tracked