On 07/19/2014 01:45 AM, Sam Mulvey wrote:
This may be a ridiculous question, but I'm not nearly as good at video
as I am at audio, and I'm actually trying to solve this problem as the
thread came up, so I thought I'd throw it out there:
Are any of these tools useable for live television production? I've
been requested to add video to the audio capabilities of my studio, and
I'd like to stick with open source stuff as much as possible, sticking
with my design goals. I need the usual stuff-- graphics, maybe bring
in some desktop things for video conferencing. I've looked at what's
out there, and it seems pretty early days. Not stuff I'd feel
comfortable someone who's not code-inclined operating.
If I can back that into an OSC interface and just provide some shiny
buttons that do obvoius things, that changes the situation.
Can switch a couple of camera (DV) sources and is OSC remote
controllable (the website is a tad out of date, but the source rocks)
We've used it at various Linux-Audio Conferences to manage the
live-stream (a couple of cameras, screen-grabber/scan-converter).
There's additional tools to map buttons of a BCF2K -> OSC -> DVswitch
(if you understand some German: Joern and I did a recent workshop at the
SAE in Berlin:
http://gareus.org/_export/s5/wiki/dvswitch_slides )