On Mon, 29 Sep 2003 23:02:57 -0700 (PDT), R Parker wrote / a écrit:
couldn't you guys do what the gamers do? I don't know
what they do but it must be buffering 'til remote
clients have time to sync up and then go. right?
It sure must be optional...because I'd rather not hear my guitarist friend rather
than hearing him playing in one second a condensed 10 seconds of music :P
Someone suggested streaming (UDP/IP rather than TCP/IP) . That should do it because in
"real" life there can be lost packets of sounds too ( bad audio jacks )
sometimes. Never stopped me from having fun.
This said, I am ashamed saying that I don't code. But if anyone is launching the
project and need some side help (translation, web page, design) call me.
Really thinking about grabbing a code for dummies book.
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Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur.
(Whatever is said in Latin sounds profound.)