[Ivan Tarozzi]
Il 28/03/2013 23:25, jonetsu(a)teksavvy.com ha scritto:
I have a musical piece of some 4 minutes,
recorded in Ardour and
currently saved as an ogg file. I would like to make it Youtube
compatible in the most simplest way. Like in having one single picture
being shown while the music plays. Not even two or three, just one.
ffmpeg -i image.png -i music.mp3 -acodec libvo_aacenc -vcodec libx264
Tryied with few seconds of music, and it seems to work. But (I don't
know why) only totem display the image, vlc doesn't.
You need to add "-loop_input" if the video input is a single frame,
and then you'll also need to add "-t <duration_in_seconds>" to make
ffmpeg finish the encoding because otherwise the looped image input
will run on past the end of the audio stream.
Also, if the audio is already mp3-encoded, it's probably better to use
"-acodec copy" to prevent degradation from re-encoding.
Actually, I'm not sure you need to upload h.264/mp3 to youtube; I'd
certainly try a format with ogg-encoded audio first.