On Wed, 27 Jul 2005, Maarten de Boer wrote:
i noticed that there is no custom search interface
anymore for the
mailinglists (
http://www.linuxdj.com/audio/lad/archive.php). instead,
google is used. but i really miss an "order by reverse date" option..
any change of reviving the old search method?
I was the maintainer of the htdig-based search service, but unfortunately
I had to move all my web stuff to other servers and no longer can host the
htdig stuff. But if someone has the time, energy and server resources, you
can set up a htdig service and point it to
http://lalists.stanford.edu ...
and let Jörn and me know the search page URL so we can add it to the
linuxdj.com page.
Google is not perfect my any means, but it's really nice from
maintenance POV. ;)
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