cal wrote:
rosea grammostola wrote:
[ ... ]
(All though Zyn from git isn't perfect too, pops and clicks and some
zombifying... sad that such a synth works pretty bad... Such a synth
should work properly with jack, also realtime! I understand that this
thread is about improving it. I hope more people will understand that a
good Zyn with jack is good for linuxaudio and a bad one bad...)
... which is precisely what led me to look at the zyn code in the first
place. Jack io is fairly well understood these days (very different to
2002-2005 when ZynAddSubFX was written!) so I figured it had to be
possible for it to work well. That said, it wasn't exactly a simple task
to get it to where it is now - major restructuring required.
Yes great job. You should also ask some help on the lad or jack mailinglist
I noticed earlier that you're running with a jack
period size 128. For my
benefit in seeking robustness, does yoshimi behave any better for you with
a period size of 256?
Yes > 256 improves playing, but choosing a new instrument bank zombifies
yoshi directly