There is a fix this morning in -rt7 that has something to do with
QJackCtl. While I wasn't seeing the problem possibly you are?
Anyway, watch Ingo's page for releases of interest.
On 10/17/05, Antonio <debian(a)> wrote:
On Mon, 2005-10-17 at 03:58 -0700, Mark Knecht wrote:
QjackCtl is running fine here on 2.6.14-rc4-rt6
on AMD64. I'd suggest
that you update to the very latest stuff that Ingo has released, try
again, and then report any problems on LKML. They will require that
you do that if you want any real support anyway...
Ok... I had not noted the new version. In the mean time I've tried with
the vanilla kernel and I don't have any bug with it.
You might also try rebuilding Jack against that
kernel just to be sure.
By now I'm using jack 0.100 from unstable. Will see with the latest rt
Best Regards,
~ Antonio