On Thu, 11 Oct 2007 23:50:57 +0200
Dragan Noveski <perodog(a)gmx.net> wrote:
Folderol wrote:
>>> ... and if you have ZynAddSubFX, here are a few more guitar
>>> instrument patches :)
>> hallo, how do you unpack those .xiz files?
>> cheers,
>> doc
> Just copy them as they are in the 'banks' folder into a suitable
> subfolder.
... oh no, i am just realizing that the
/usr/local/share/zynaddsubfx folder disappeared here!
i can't remember that i removed it, but it is not there anymore.
Create a new banks folder in your user directory, and use
'File>settings>Bank root dirs' in Zyn, to point to it.
it is strange, what ever instrument i try to load, i get this output
in the console:
mxml: Missing close tag </!DOCTYPE ZynAddSubFX-data> under parent
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>!
and a error message from zyn:
'error:could not load the file'
it seems that something is broken here?