I think you might try ardour. I know it can host and record VST-generated
sounds. At least I believe so. Anyone can confrim?
With your setup, it seems to me you might want to kick timidity++ out of
your chain. Timidity plays sounds using its own sounds (GUS-patches or
soundfonts), if not for me it had a great latency. I don't know exactly about
freeST, but it might have it's own midi port. So in an xterm or on the console
you may try:
aconnect -li
aconnect -lo
This will display all alsasequencer midi-ports currently in existence. You
can also use some graphical patchbay to do the same. I think ghostess is a
nice one, just search for "patchbay", you should get a list of them.
Then connect your rosegarden midi-out (if it has one) to your freeVST in (if
that has one) and connect your FreeVST jack_output to audacity. So take the
following example:
aconnect -li
16: soundcard midi
128: FreeVst
aconnect -lo
16: soundcard
129: rosegarden
aconnect 129 128 # rosegarden-output to freevst
[...] # soundcard ports
jack_connect FreeVST:out_1 Audacity:in_1
jack_connect FreeVST:out_2 Audacity:in_2
And then start your rosegarden. If rosegarden sends a proper start-control for
all the apps, recording and playback will start simultaneously.
Another choice for rosegarden might be: MuSE (not sure about the
capital-letters in there. At least it can do audio and midi in one tool. I
don't know about ardour's capacity to playback MIDI-files, but it might also
be achoice, although a very powerful - and with that - probably moe complex
Hope that helps!
Kindest regards
Music was my first love and it will be my last (John Miles)
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