On 1/3/06, charles thorley <charlesthump(a)yahoo.com> wrote:
thanks dave! i read your article in linuxjournal
about seq24, which was one of the things that got me
interested in it. i'm hoping to get in touch with
some people who have been using it for playing out,
but even in the absence of feedback like that, i'm
leaning towards seq24 right now (as opposed to a
hardware sequencer).
i read a comment...
...that suggested that it's lacking as a drumseq. i'm
not sure what would make it better for
bass/melody/etc. than drums (as the writer suggests) -
any thoughts on the matter?
I think it's a very usable sequencer for everything. I use it for drum
stuff in preference to anything else, with smack.
http://smack.berlios.de I use it that way for both live use and
non-live production. Though live use has so far been limited to just
playing alone or small shows to go with talks about smack. I think
most of the om-synth crowd use seq24. I think the problem they are
suggesting for drum is that there is no drum map i.e notes don't say
what they are unlike hydrogen. This really has never been a problem
for me.