Hi Emiliano
I see you are another ppc linux audio user. I am interested to find out
how well audio apps are working on your system.
Which apps do you use and what hardware have you got?
On Fri, 15 Nov 2002 11:22:59 +0100
Emiliano Grilli <emillo(a)libero.it> wrote:
iriXx <m(a)irixx.org> ha scritto:
hmmm, thats strange, was cvs updated sometime
late last night or
this morning? i had no trouble compiling from cvs last night.....
I had similar problem with the tarball, so probably it's my fault, I'm
not very good in compiling things ... maybe my system (debian woody
PPC) lacks some library, but I cannot determine which one...
Unix is user friendly. It's just very particular about who it's friends