Russell Hanaghan <hanaghan(a)starband.net> wrote:
ANyone know of a complete soundfont set in the GS
format that can be
loaded into Qsynth or fluid synth? By complete, I mean all 128 standard
instruments plus preferably the GS or even XG instruments.
For a biggie, try the fluid soundfont by Frank Wen: Go to
then click on "Sounds" (top left), then "Soundfont Library" and
finally on
"Collections" in the list. It's quite fat (roughly 149 MB unpacked), but
I believe it's quite complete GM/GS-wise.
Oh, before I forget: This archive might be compressed with a Windows
packer for which no Linux unpacker exists (either sfPack or sfArk). But
then I remember we had this issue before (roughly 2 years ago), and
though this is an older version, I remember I had asked a certain person ;)
to "cache" this file for those without Windows access... and yes, it's
http://inanna.ecs.soton.ac.uk/~swh/fluid-unpacked/ :)