On Wed, Apr 04, 2007 at 09:59:15AM -0700, Ken Restivo wrote:
On Wed, Apr 04, 2007 at 03:56:20PM +0900, Joel Roth wrote:
On Tue, Apr 03, 2007 at 08:55:51PM -0700, Ken
Restivo wrote:
I'm a hardware idiot. I have the worst luck buying hardware: I
always buy the wrong thing and end up getting screwed. Plus I
don't have a lot of money, so when I get screwed, it's
So that's why I avoid buying hardware. But still, I need a laptop,
and so here I am shopping and probably about to make some stupid
and unrecoverable mistake that will cost me everything.
Perhaps there are guys
here who can recommend a specific model for
doing sound. If I didn't want to make a mistake I would try to get a
firm recommendation and if that were lacking, the output of
cat /proc/interrupts; lspci; dmesg; etc.
from a linux live CD. At least you could know the hardware you have
and the interrupts configuration.
A good utility would be a test script to measure data throughput and
latency. There must be such tools around.
Thanks. OK, I'm buying the PATA
unit. Thanks to everyone who helped
me with the SATA/PATA background, and who recommended ASUS laptops in
a previous thread. It's been very helpful.
Reading my last post seems like I was getting a lot more emotionally
overwrought about something as dry as a hardware purchase. But I'm
feeling a lot more confident now... hopefully this will turn out well.
Thanks again.
I'm hoping it wasn't just me who recommended asus ... I'm feeling less
certain about that at the moment. I bought a "whitebook" last year.
There are a number of things that make me think I'll just suffer the MS
tax next time around:
-Availability of spare batteries. I haven't been able to find anyone who
carries the particular model of battery I need. Perhaps this is a
general problem with all laptops/notebooks, but certainly more so for
less popular makes/models. If you have the choice at the time of initial
purchase and think there is any chance you might possibly need a spare
in the future, buy that extra battery now.
-the fan on my particular model is particularly noisy. Probably not
something that can be generalized across all models of any given maker.
Maybe there is something I can do wrt to power management, a replacement
fan or one of those external heatsinks that you set the whole notebook
on top of that would help.
-The backlight died 2 days before the box was to be used at LAC for
streaming. I've since learned that this is a fairly common problem for
all notebooks and laptops. But, it seems some models from some makers
have better track records than others.
Not necessarily trying to put you off Asus, either, just some notes to
say your caution isn't necessarily misplaced. Although, it also seems
that in many ways choosing a laptop for linux multimedia work is a
matter of doing your homework, asking questions, making the best
decision you can and then, well ..., just hoping reality mostly matches
up and gnashing your teeth over the ways it doesn't.
-Eric Rz.