Be careful with the terminology here -- MIDI CCs
aren't being used at all
with this kind of plugin automation. Ardour is sending values to the LV2
control ports on the synth plugin, without using MIDI at all. That's why the
same technique works for automating parameters on effects plugins that have
no MIDI ports (in both Ardour 3 and Ardour 2).
Yep - well aware of this sire
Ardour 3 will support MIDI CC automation, too, and that will be very handy
for external synths, but for plugins, I think plugin automation is the way
to go.
That said, I'm not sure why you're having trouble with this -- it definitely
should work. I know Paul Davis mentioned some issues with automation in the
alpha 8 release notes, so that may be related. Hopefully you'll have more
luck with the next alpha.
If you want to make sure your automation value are actually being applied,
you can check visually by leaving the plugin UI open while you play your
track. You should see the parameter value change as the track plays; in this
case, you'd see the Cutoff knob turning itself.
If I leave the plugin window open (natty, calf plugins from repo,
alpha5) I do indeed see the cutoff moving as desired. I have the
resonance turned right up but still I cannot hear any noticeable
change in the sound. However, if I move the cutoff slider manually
during playback it works as expected. Hmmm!
Paul's big natch for alpha 8 was noting that MIDI CC (yes, I know, but
undoubtedly this is closely linked) is still quite borked so maybe
this will work as expected come alpha9?