Good morning
"What happened in the middle?" is the title of my RPM Challenge entry.
For the uninitiated, the RPM Challenge is an annual motivation album
writing event with a simple rule: write and record 10 songs (or 35
minutes worth) of music in the month of February.
This was my first time taking part and I was happy enough with the
results to release it as my debut album on Bandcamp:
All sounds were recorded with a recent svn of Ardour3
All drums were programed with Hydrogen using the GCSW-2 kit for all but
"Let It Slide", where I used the Big Mono kit.
As usual with Bandcamp, you can stream the lower quality audio, or if
you Buy Now for $0 or above, you can choose the quality you want, all
the way up to FLAC.
It's a bit rock, a bit metal, and a few other things. My favorite songs
are 04-Around You, closely followed by 09-From the Flames.