On 03/03/2011 10:56 PM, Fons Adriaensen wrote:
On Thu, Mar 03, 2011 at 11:19:16PM +0100, Dominic
Sacré wrote:
Hmm, ok... But I don't really care about
QjackCtl being minimized, all I
want is for my laptop to power down. How does QjackCtl prevent the
system from shutting down anyway? If it weren't for QjackCtl, I wouldn't
even know that an application has the power to do this.
Clicking the 'close' icon will make the WM send a WM_DELETE_WINDOW
message. The application's reaction should be to close down, not
to minimise itself. Qjackctl's way to handle this seems to be
wrong. Window managers normally provide another icon and/or a
shortcut for minimise, and they normally don't even require the
app's support to perform this action.
finally, as of todays svn trunk (qjackctl commit-log:
- Desktop environment session shutdown (eg. logout) is now
tapped for graceful application exit, even though the main
window is active (visible) and minimizing to system tray
is enabled. Both were causing first shutdown/logout attempt
to abort. Not anymore, hopefully ;).
rncbc aka Rui Nuno Capela