Just writing to relate my experience.
I've had no luck with vstserver, for the already mentioned reasons,
however, I have fst and dssi working.
I built fst with the patches submitted by Mark Knecht, which makes it
compatible with newer versions of wine. I'm currently using
wine-20041201. It works very reliably and efficiently. The gui for some
plugins is somewhat sluggish, but this doesn't affect audio. (Something
I would like to see there is bank and preset loading, plus the ability
to remotely bypass them to save cpu-maybe a sysex message....)
dssi-vst works using the dssi packages from planet CCRMA (you just need
to build dssi-vst). This also works well, but you can only use one vst
instrument at a time. I take the oportunity to report that absynth2,
though working takes a long time to load, because the patch names seem
to load very slow. It's probably that absynth uses some special
mechanism for determining patch names, which makes is very slow. Maybe
there can be a way of avoiding querying for patch names?
On Sat, 2005-04-09 at 12:16, Russell Hanaghan wrote:
From all accounts, it still seems that jack_fst seems to not work very
reliably with any other versions of Wine later than 20040505? I know
Mark had some work arounds for other wine vers. but not sure what gains
were made as a result?
I also remember Shayne having a later compiled version...like late Dec
2004 release and reporting many Vst's operable where I could not on
I have had no real luck with DSSI but I have not applied a lot of effort
to find out why either...not diminishing dssi in any way.
Any miracle workers out there getting new things to happen with Wine and
the VST-hosts we have today?