On Wed, Apr 05, 2006 at 03:01:35PM -0400, Paul Winkler wrote:
I've just tried out linuxsampler (well, qsampler really) for the
first time, with some samples from Worra's Place.
Everything seems to work but the sound is very distorted
with every gig I've tried. Ugly nonlinear distortion, almost like
a ring modulator. Not at all subtle. It happens even if I play
a single note at low velocity. Doesn't sound like xrun choppiness,
and no other apps on this box make similar sounds.
I'm using ALSA output, no Jack.
Version info:
libgig 2.0.1
liblscp 0.3.0
qsampler 0.1.2
LinuxSampler 0.3.3
I just tried again under jack, with realtime scheduling.
Responsiveness is very good and cpu load stays reasonable.
No xruns reported. The distortion comes and goes unpredictably;
things sound fine for a minute or so... then the distortion
appears and keeps happening for a minute or so... then it "fixes
Very weird.
Paul Winkler