On Fri, Sep 07, 2007 at 01:16:21PM +0200, Leslie P. Polzer wrote:
the quality, too). 400 EUR is the **hard** upper limit
for me.
Do I really need an amp?
Yes, unless you get active speakers.
Doesn't the signal level of the sound card
No. Typical consumer soundcards can drive a pair of headphones, but
that's all.
If you end up going with passive speakers, I think one of the best
bargains around is the PSB Alpha B. I have a pair in my living room
and I love them. The sound is well balanced and pretty neutral. You
can get flatter speakers, but probably not without spending a lot
more. It'll handle everything you mentioned just fine. In europe I
think they go for about 250 EUR. They have dealers all over the
But you'd also need to buy an amp, of course, so keep that in mind
when comparing active speakers to passive. I'm still using an ancient
home-stereo amp that works OK but is nothing special. The standard
recommendation from rec.audio.pro for a new low-cost amp used to be
Hafler, but they're not made any more. Nobody on that board had much
good to say about Samson, Behringer, or Alesis amps.
Last time I went monitor-shopping (5 years ago?), I checked out a
bunch of actives but I didn't really like anything cheaper than the
Mackie HR624 (900 USD for a pair, active). I thought the Event powered
monitors were OK, but not really any better than the PSB so I opted to
stick with the PSB until I really feel the need for something
significantly better.
Paul Winkler