On Wed, 15 Jun 2011 10:30:19 +0200
Lorenzo Sutton <lsutton(a)libero.it> wrote:
Paul Davis wrote:
On Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 3:11 AM, Aaron Krister
<aaron(a)akjmusic.com> wrote:
case in point: i dramatically improved things on my system yesterday
by switching from the open source nouveau driver for my nvidia card
to the proprietary one.
I can second that one which improved things on my laptop.
Sad as it
may be the binary drivers seem to deliver better general system
performance than the nouveau ones.
Another one I experienced (again working with intensive Pd stuff) was
to ensure that all "CPU scaling" stuff was set to maximum performance
and nothing automatic is going on (such as "Ondemand" et sim.) both
CPU-wise *and* graphics card GPU-wise (this can e.g. be controlled in
the nvidia-panel for the proprietary drivers).
Hi, could you tell me exactly where I find these settings in
"nvidia-settings"? I read it some time ago, I think in the Archwiki, to
do what you're saying, but I couldn't find the relevant menu/setting. I
have version 270.41.19 BTW