Hello Leigh!
Thanks for the links on your block. Very considerate of you!
As to the music, well it is not exactly down my alley, there's not enough
melodic movement for me. But the sound itself is great. In terms of patches or
instruments I like this piece. Sorry, if this sounds downplaying the work,
which might have gone into it, but as I never was, might be or will be a
gamer, I'm not really into sceniastic msusic of that background. Still
especially the lowest note has something menacing about it, which is not only
due to the fact, that it is low, but just the way it is. The panning movement
and the reverb/delay, trigger something in me. So I guess I do respnd to the
sceniastic bit in there. :-)
Thanks for sharing and kindest regards
Music was my first love and it will be my last (John Miles)
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