More homemade music--
Some days ago Thorsten Wilms sent me a great percussion track called
Gnomes. I have added melodic and harmonic elements to it and the result
can be found here:
OGG format:…
MP3 format:…
I did not edit Thorsten's track at all. I just decoded it into .wav
format using oggdec, then imported the .wav into Ardour and began adding
tracks. I used Jamin to make the mixdown track, exported it from Ardour,
then encoded the exported .wav into ogg (with oggenc) and mp3 (with
Criticisms (of the melodic/harmonic elements) is welcome. I have a
pretty bad case of flu right now so my ears aren't as good as they
should be. ;-)
If anyone would like to compare this to Thorsten's original track, that
track can be found here:
Thorsten's percussion track:
Best wishes all, and Thorsten, thank you for this enjoyable Internet
collaboration, although I have no idea if you will like what I have done
to your track. ;-)
-Steve D
Doing research is like being in a darkened room, feeling the
sides of an object to determine what color it is. -Eli Khamarov