On Sunday 23 October 2005 19:40, Lars Luthman wrote:
The Sineshaper is a monophonic DSSI synth. This is the
first release.
Source tarball, screenshot and Vorbis demo are available here:
http://ll-plugins.sf.net. The knob graphics are created by Thorsten
Wilms and Peter Shorthose.
The Sineshaper synth has two sine oscillators and two waveshapers.
The sound from the two oscillators is mixed and passed through the
waveshapers, first through the first waveshaper and then the second.
You can control the tuning of both oscillators as well as their
relative loudness, and the total amount of shaping and the fraction of
that amount that each shaper applies. Both waveshapers use a sine
function for shaping the sound, but for the second shaper you can shift
the sine function (with maximal shift it becomes a cosine function) to
produce a different sound.
You can also add vibrato and tremolo, and change the ADSR envelope
that controls the amplitude and shape amount (as well as setting the
envelope sensitivity for both the amplifier and the shapers). There
is also a "Drive" control that adds distorsion, and a feedback delay
with controllable delay time and feedback amount. All control parameters
can be changed using MIDI.
The Sineshaper synth comes with some presets that you can play or use
as starting points for your own synth settings. You can not change
these "factory presets", but you can create and save your own presets.
They are written to the file .sineshaperpresets in your home directory.
If you make any nice presets I would really like to hear them.
HI Lars. I'm having a lot of problems getting Sineshaper installed on FC2 or
FC3. The dependencies go back as far as libsigc++-2.0.15. This installs ok,
but as the site has no devel package for it, I have no .pc file for pkgconfig
to find. Could you tell me what distro you're running Sineshaper on, and how
to handle the dependencies. The dependencies end at libsigc++-2.0.15, then,
glibmm-2.8.0, then gtkmm-2.8.0, then, libglademm-2.6.0, then.
Sineshaper-0.4.0. I'm not complaining. I'd just like to get it working as
some reports say it has a unique sound. All the best. Nigel.