Am 13. April 2012 09:07 schrieb thijs van severen <thijsvanseveren(a)>om>:
CORRECTION: it's H2's 'GM kit' that is in the table
i'll add the official GM mapping to the table
sorry for the noise
Thank you Thijs.
There is a small mistake:
"GM midi mapping ( H2 instrument 1 = note 35 'Accoustic Bass Drum'
should sound:
"GM midi mapping ( H2 instrument 1 = MIDI-note-nr. 36 == 'Bass Drum 1'
Obviously there is no midi note 35 in H2 (?)
I have to admit, GM-drums is not very appropriate for some of todays music,
where different snare and drum sounds are used.
But still - better than nothing - as orientation.
(at that time they only had rock'n'roll ;)
Someone could assign a second/third bass-drum sound
to any of the toms - if required.
Thanks. Emanuel