On Sat, Apr 21, 2007 at 05:03:55PM +0200, Malte Steiner wrote:
To my mind, 3d
game-like synthesizer interfaces are one way of keeping
electronic music performance distinctively non-boring.
Its a long going discussion if a good performance need visuals or not.
My opinion is that the music should be non boring in the first place and
the classical tape concerts can be still exciting.
For sure, most definately. Some of my favorite electronic musicians (I
am sure you know who i'm talking about) insist on playing in a dark room
with no lights.
One of my recent projects uses the P5 glove as
controler of sound and
vision, a custom OpenGL application I wrote in C++ and pd as soundengine:
Very cool! I am pretty excited about the possibilities of the Wii
controller too. I've been messing around with some code to interface
with it and it's been a lot of fun. Might post something about this if
I get it anywhere near userfriendly.