Dave Griffiths wrote:
Hi all,
A couple of us are thinking of putting together an open source focussed music
and visual performance night in London (UK), with the aim of making it a semi
regular event with a bit of a workshop feel to it - so people can share ideas
and have some fun.
We're just wondering what the interest for such an event would be, whether
people would be interested in participating, or indeed if there is already
something going on we've missed. Also if people are already doing similar
nights in other places, if you have any tips.
Web cast it.
I used to own a guitar shop in the US.
There was a group of acoustic guitar players that would get together
and put on shows. They would all take turns playing.
When we would do it from the shop, I would would bcast it over the net.
This was many years ago. I was capturing the event with real code
on a sun server and sending it to a colo to another sun box running
real server. Worked great. All the end users were probably on windows
boxes using real player. I am guessing you could do the same with the
helix code.
Bob Knight
[-w] the work option