On Friday 25 June 2004 08:09 am, tim hall wrote (and I snipped):
Last Thursday 24 June 2004 18:26, Marv Smoak was
When I'm viewing a message in the archive,
and click
on Reply, the message to which I'm replying is not
quoted in the compose-message screen. I'm sure I can
solve this by cut/paste manually. Is there a way to
setup the mail program to generate the quote of the
the replied-to message automatically as when the original
message is in my mailbox? Or is this a limitation of
the archive setup?
kmail should do this by default. maybe you have an old version. It _should_
be obvious in Settings > Configure KMail >> Composer, but YMwpV ;-)
It's not a function of the list set-up AFAIK.
tim hall
Yes, KMail does it fine if I'm viewing the message with KMail. But if I've
deleted the message from KMail and go to the archive with the browser and
use the reply link on the archive webpage, the message is not quoted.
I did some Google'ing and this does appear to be a limitation of the
mailto: link in HTML for any web site; mailto: just can't do that, I
think. (I also noticed that the PlanetCCRMA archive doesn't have a reply
link.) So it appears that cut/paste, manual quote is the only way.
Thanks for the reply anyway,