-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Phillips [mailto:dlphilp@bright.net]
PlanetCCRMA is definitely has the more current apps versions, but
AGNULA Demudi is really quite nice too. I have both systems installed
here, and I must say that I'm impressed by the AGNULA core system. Yes,
it's not pretty (yet), but it's well designed where it counts, and the
1.1 release promises to bring the system into a more up to date
I will 3rd (or 4th?) the Agnula recommendation. I had originally installed
ccrma (which is fantastic for those who want to just get up and go!) but I
wanted to do a lot of stuff with PD that wasn't yet supported under ccrma,
but was supported under debian out of the PD CVS. I installed a base woody
system, then set all of my apt stuff to testing, and used the Agnula disks
to get the sound stuff set up. After some initial X and mouse problems with
agnula (now being tracked in their bug databse) I was good to go.
I'm not sure when AGNULA 1.1 will be ready for
release but
I'm sure it's Real Soon Now. ;)
January 15th according to some recent posts of the Agnula list.
Next month's column for the Linux Journal
On-line will briefly
describe my experiences with PlanetC and AGNULA.
Cool. By the way Dave GREAT article in CMJ. I just got back from vacation,
checked the mail, and saw the cover! Having just jumped into the Linux world
I was happy to see the article. (A month or 2 to late for me, but I'm sure
it will help a lot for others!)