On Wednesday 18 November 2009 02:48:44 Atte André Jensen wrote:
Esben Stien wrote:
As far as I know, this doesn't exist
anywhere. There's no place I could
go and buy electronically a CD or a DVD/Blu-ray and actually get the
pure thing without any hassles or copy protection or whatever.
To bring the original topic back:
Would you then buy something off bandcamp (provided the thing you were
looking for was available there)?
There you can have flac, but would the flashplayer (I assume it's flash,
here it Just Works) throw you off?
NB: I'm trying to talk you into buying my stuff, I'm just talking in a
general sense, trying to understand peoples motivations.
Most of the music I bought recently was either the live music itself (i.e. the
concert ticket), or cd's while at such concerts, in case I really liked the
music that I heard.
Not sure if that helps, but I'm guessing I'm not the only one...
Maybe this just means to say, if you are doing concerts, make sure people can
buy cd's right there, as they'll forget to do it online once they're back
home. You have to catch them in the moment :)