Joe Hartley <jh(a)> writes:
I think if RME believes releasing the data on their
Firewire audio
poses a threat to their competitive edge, they probably have a point.
Right or wrong, it is their business and their choice.
While I'm a huge fan of OSS, I have to respect
when companies like
NVidia release binary-only drivers for a device. I'm just glad that
they do, when so many companies will only release for Windoze, or for
Windoze and Mac only. I think NVidia's support, for example, is as good
for Linux as it is for any other platform. Do all bugs get fixed?
Nope, and they don't in 99% of OSS projects, either.
I believe in free speech, and this includes the right to remain
silent. Insisting that RME release code when they would rather not
violates *their* freedom. I value libre software for being minimally
coercive to both authors and users.