Cool! Yoshimi would be a more logical choice these days maybe, but alas...
If you didn't notice ;) , there is also JackSession now (and Ladish).
Maybe some documentation how to add support for your session stuff to
other session managers would be good.
Someone mentioned that after I had already patched ZynAddSubFX. The patch
doesn't readily apply to the Yoshimi code, but I'll look into adapting it.
JACK-Session is, from my perspective, far too basic to be useful. And,
AFAIK, Ladish is still lacking a robust protocol, currently relying on Unix
signals, JACK Session, and LASH to communicate with clients. And, of
course, LASH was always inadequate. I first started having issues with SM
back in 2008. Not much has actually been accomplished since then to meet
the requirements mentioned in my 2008 post (although Ladish does behave
better in many important aspects than lashd ever did).
The NSM API is well documented and I think that having support for it in
Ladish would be a Good Thing and not incompatible with the project goals,
although the user experience may suffer if LASH, JACK Session, etc clients
are allowed to mix in an NSM session becuase certain points of consistency
could no longer be guaranteed (due to the limitations of those APIs).
That being said, as you can see in the demo, Non-* will come with a fairly
fully featured session manager right out of the box if you can live without
the Ladish 'rooms' concept.