> I'm looking for either a PCI Express or
Firewire interface that has AT
> LEAST 16 channels in and out (preferably 24) of lightpipe (TOSLINK)
> I/O that works in Linux as I'm wondering if it's possible to use an
> 02R96 with one of the new Mac Pros (which do not have any standard PCI
> slots). They come with TOSLINK I/O but it's only one port in and out
> and I imagine they probably aren't working in Linux yet.
Those TOSLINK connections are stereo only or if you have an external AC3
decoder, then you could pull out a 5.1 (I've heard that they may have had
some problems with this and that the feature might be temporarily
unavailable). Either way, that particular connector is a far cry from your
24-channel requirement.
Yikes. I missed that on the spec. Thanks for the heads up. That seems
odd that they would use optical instead of just SPDIF.
Thanks, Rich(ard)
Richard Edward Horner
Electric Guitar Virtuoso