>>>> "th" == tim hall
<tech(a)glastonburymusic.org.uk> writes:
th> I am also interested to hear from people who don't use MIDI at
th> all or have a specific reason not to configure it. (other than
th> simply hating the medium. ;)
I don't use external MIDI because I don't have the space to set up a
keyboard next to my computer. By all accounts from people who do,
transcribing music by entering the pitch on a MIDI keyboard with the
right hand and the timing with the left hand on a computer keyboard is
the most efficient way to do it, but I've never been able to set up
that way.
Laura (mailto:lconrad@laymusic.org ,
http://www.laymusic.org/ )
(617) 661-8097 fax: (501) 641-5011
233 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02139