On 14/12/2009, "M Watts" <zwy648rct(a)gmail.com> wrote:
On 12/15/2009 06:32 AM, Iain Duncan wrote:
I can start qjackctl with three options for
midi-in-jack: none, raw, and seq. Sounds like seq is what I want but I
can't find anywhere in qjackctl to choose this.
Setup > Settings tab, bottom left, where it says Midi driver.
Another option for bridging Jack to Alsa midi or vice versa is a2jmidid,
which can either run as daemon and bridge automatically, or let you
start static bridges from the commandline on a needs basis.
If you're only connecting a small number of ports you could always use
the simple method of connecting the jack-midi port to jack-midi-through
which magically connects to alsa-midi-through which you then connect to
the alsa-midi-port. (or am I missing something?)