>>> I still haven't got round on which is
the best way to run linux-nativ
>>>> VSTs. For dlls it's maily FST. JOST seems very unstable, but maybe
>>>> I'm missing something.
>>> Well, first of all you need a host that supports it. Just looked very
>>> quickly at the websites of muse and rosegarden, and neither seems to
>>> support vsts.
>>> NB: I'm using renoise...
>> From
http://qtractor.sourceforge.net/qtractor-index.html#Features :
>> LADSPA <http://www.ladspa.org/>, DSSI <http://dssi.sourceforge.net/>
>> native VST <http://www.steinberg.net/>i plug-in support.
Sorry but I'm still not sure if I understand correctly.
To be a little clear, what I mean is 'what to do with the .so'? And can
they work *without* steinberg vst etc. In this case which applications
support .so?
Otherwise what is the real advantage of using 'native' vst (.so) vs
windows vst (.dll), given that FST - for instance - will work with any
jack-enabled applications.