On 01/01/2013 02:20 PM, Gene Heskett wrote:
The way our ears work, what frequency we actually hear
shifts slightly
intensity. There is a great book on acoustics by F. Alton
Everest that goes into this a bit in one of the earlier chapters. I
am still reading through all of it, but it is an interesting
phenomenon. Pitch is in actuality a subjective form of Frequency, not
objective, and this is reflected in this phenomenon.
This is something you learn
VERY early on if you mix monitors for a
living. If you've got someone who sings consistently flat (especially
lead singers), turn their monitor DOWN about 3-4 dB, no matter how much
they scream and yell about it.
The audience will thank you profusely.
Humm, I wonder if this is why much of
Johnny Cash's work has him 25 to 50
cents flat. He was back on key for a while after the tonsillectomy.
Cheers, Gene
Well, some people just sing flat. (Bob Dylan comes to mind). No amount
of monitor magic will fix tone-deafness.
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Staat heißt das kälteste aller kalten Ungeheuer. Kalt lügt es auch;
und diese Lüge kriecht aus seinem Munde: 'Ich, der Staat, bin das Volk.'
- [Friedrich Nietzsche]