I tried Frank's suggestion re muting / un-muting the Audigy Digital
Output in alsamixer. It started muted before toggling.
I still could not play any audio, but there was a slight pop when I
toggled it. It sounded like an amplifier turning on. When I turned the
speaker amp gain flat out, I could just hear a bit of pinkish noise from
the amp. Toggled the other way, silence.
I'll try Patrick's suggestion i.e. post to the developer list.
I've also found the ALSA Project page for the relevant driver at
http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Matrix:Module-emu10k1. It
leads one through installing ALSA and drivers from source. I have
nothing to lose, so I guess I'll give that a try if I can't get anything
back from the developer list. I don't want to mess up the system yet,
though, in case someone wants debugging information.
Thanks for your help. Anyone else got ideas?
I assume you looked over all the other channels in the alsamixer for the
Audigy - it's a complex soundcard, and checked not only the master but
also the gain settings for the sound sources you were trying.