Last Wednesday 15 September 2004 05:07, airplays55(a) was like:
I'm trying to get a sequencer like rosegarden
under knoppix 3.4 (a debian flavor linux live CD
distro). I am unable to get a midiport like
/dev/sequencer to work.
knoppix loads the OSS driver by default, and it
recognizes the soundcard and I'm able to hear audio
waves thru the soundcard, but no midi. I can
alternatively boot with ALSA but then I don't even
hear audio, so it seems that it may be easier with OSS
since I'm halfway there.
I'd like to get the external mpu401 midiport working,
and also access the onboard FM sounds. I am using an
ALS100 soundcard (and can resort to another ESS1869 if
I need to).
Here is my system info:
"lsmod" shows uart401, sound, and soundcore
cat /dev/sndstat displays nothing.
/etc/modules.conf doesnt seem to have anything
relevant (grep didnt find midi or sound anywhere)
What is the next step to enable my midiport? I can
promptly post back any requested info. Thanks!
I think you need to run Rosegarden with ALSA and probably Jack too to get best
results. If I were you I wouldn't start from here. AGNULA did release a live
knoppix-based CD a while back, which is still available here:
and if that doesn't work, the chances are that you won't find any useful
answers to your questions.
My realistic recommendation would be to do yourself a favour and install the
latest A/DeMuDi onto your HardDrive if you can. It's much easier than what
you're currently trying to do. It comes on one CD, which can be found here:
This release is very well supported should you run into difficulties. (Much
less likely ;)
tim hall